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Главная героиня «Дивергента» арестована во время акции протеста

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Актриса Шейлин Вудли (24) всегда поддерживала активистов, которые выступают за защиту окружающей среды. И недавно Шейлин пострадала из-за своей гражданской позиции.


as I explore this world, a witness lays in the trusty eyes of my pack. the home that contains my few belongings, my humble notebooks, my eager compass. luckily for me, some homies changed the backpack game by creating a business platform that lives and breathes integrity. and, their product lives up to the wear and tear of my journey—through wind, rain, snow…it shelters my most beloved trinkets. I have the pleasure of CHOOSING to give them a shout out, because I believe in their business model, I believe in their products, but, most importantly, I believe in the ways their hard working hands are changing the way we view and absorb materialism in this world. I highly recommend you check em out. @ethnotekbags story behind the photo: a few days ago I had the honor of traveling down the cannonball river to the missouri. on our paddle, we listened to the winds, we conversed with our hearts, and we learned from the guidance falling with raindrops. we were told we are already winning this fight, because the people are uniting. and, when the people are united…when defenses are down, and hearts are open…there is nothing we can not accomplish. the lesson is in the softness of the listening, and the willingness to speak to understand. epic photo cred: @josue_foto #peacefulwarriors #nodapl #mniwiconi #waterislife #dakotaaccesspipeline #UpToUs

A photo posted by Shailene Woodley (@shailenewoodley) on

Ее арестовали в числе 26 активистов, которые выступали против строительства нефтепровода в Северной Дакоте.

Протестующие разбили лагерь на берегу реки Миссури еще в мае. А Шейлин присоединилась к митингующим летом и поддерживала их во всех начинаниях: выступала на сцене, выкладывала фотографии и видео в Instagram и фотографировалась с плакатами.

Шейли арестовали за незаконное проникновение на территорию и участие в массовых беспорядках.


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