Логотип Peopletalk

Джастин Бибер в футболке с любимой женщиной. И это не Хейли и даже не мама!

Джастина Бибера (25) сфотографировали у больницы – он ходил к психотерапевту с Дрю Бэрримор (44). Ну, как с Дрю Бэрримор. С ее портретом на футболке. Хейли (22), если ты это читаешь, выдыхай – мы пошутили.

Похоже, Джастин всерьез взялся за себя – недавно в Instagram певец написал: «Это очень круто – иметь здоровый разум и здоровые эмоции». Плюсуем!

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Don’t stop fighting the battle has already won.. fight for what you love and who you love don’t let fear and anxiety win..god has not given us a spirit of fear but of power love and of a sound mind! I havent believed the truth about myself I haven’t believed I am loved I haven’t believed I am forgiven it’s a hard thing for me to wrap my head around. I hang my head in shame and I wallow in sadnes about the the people who have betrayed me. Jesus has given me freedom and the persuit of getting to know his character is never ending. Gods character never changes he is the same yesterday now and forever. He is always good!. I won’t be afraid to be vulnerable before him.. his power is made strong in our weakness. God isn’t afraid of your pain and your brokenness he actually welcomes it. Come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest! these are words from Jesus! There is hope and it’s in him.!! He loves and cares for you! For god so loved the world that he gave his only son so that whoever believes him wont die but have eternal life! You are that whoever and he accepts you as you are!! He loves and forgives you and welcomes you into his arms every time you mess He is a perfect and loving god who adores you!

A post shared by Justin Bieber (@justinbieber) on


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